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4724 days 8 hours 44 mins 32 secs
Until Xenoblade Chronicles


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

✦GameStop/EB Games Online Rank Update✦ 

Xenoblade gets a huge boost at GameStop
Xenoblade hits #9 best selling at EB Games Canada breaking the top 10 for the first time

Xenoblade Chronicles is currently
#5 for Most Anticipated (+4)
#2 for best selling Wii game (+5)
#5 for best selling in the Wii category (+4)
#67 for best selling on the entire site (+40)

EB Games Canada
Xenoblade Chronicles is currently
#1 for Most Anticipated
#1 for best selling Wii Game
#1 for best selling in the Wii category
#9 for best selling on the entire site (+5)

EB Games Canada

Note: Number differentials are obtained by comparing yesterday's numbers


  1. What about preorders direct at Nintendo's shop?
    That's where I preordered my copy.

  2. @Eric There is no way to track those numbers. We know GameStops because you can access the information on their website.
