Phase Two of Operation Rainfall Campaign
(08/11/2011) – As Operation Rainfall progresses with Phase Two of its campaign to encourage the localization of Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower in all regions, we want to keep our supporters updated with new information and reiterate a few key facts.
Nintendo of Europe, a subsidiary of Nintendo Co., Ltd., has announced that Xenoblade Chronicles will be launching two weeks ahead of schedule, with the new release date set for August 19, 2011. Also, Nintendo of Australia has announced that Xenoblade Chronicles will be released on September 1, 2011 in Oceania. Reginald Fil-Aime, President and COO of Nintendo of America, recently had this to say in regards to the so-called “missing Wii games” in an interview with Richard George of IGN Entertainment:
“We will be watching very closely what happens in Europe," "Certainly if there are business opportunities and positive consumer uptake from some of those titles, that will be great data for us to consider as we look at what to do with these titles.”
As part of Phase Two of Operation Rainfall, we very much want to see Xenoblade Chronicles sell exceptionally well in PAL regions. To all residents in the regions of Europe and Oceania, we encourage you to pre-order and purchase it at your earliest convenience. In the Americas, we encourage you to promote awareness of these titles. Good sales abroad will be a strong indicator for the title making it to American shores.
For those supporting our movement domestically don’t forget to write, stamp, and mail your letter to Nintendo of America this week. We’re hoping to get all those letters in the mail between August 13th and 17th so that they reach NOA at roughly the same time. Our goal is to have all letters ARRIVE at Nintendo of America offices on or close to August 19. If you prefer, we have a template for mail in letters featured on our website. Be sure to mention your promise to buy Xenoblade, and if relevant, your contribution to Child’s Play on our official website –
Also, as part of Phase Two we want to encourage everyone to make a single Virtual Console purchase on your Wii system. We specifically ask that as many as possible download “Final Fantasy (NES)” on the date of August 19, 2011 (to coincide with the Xenoblade Chronicles’ European launch date). Final Fantasy costs 500 Nintendo points and is published by Nintendo. If you already own the game, please consider purchasing the game as a gift for another Wii owner or making a donation to Child’s Play Foundation through the widget on our website. It’s important to donate through the widget on our website, so that the updated tally remains accurate. This purchase shows intent to buy products, which is important to businesses, please reference your purchase or donation in your letter, and hold off on making said purchase or donation until the 19th to coincide with the arrival of your letter, and the European release of Xenoblade Chronicles
As a reminder; while we recognize your right to import the game, we are pushing for a localized release in the Americas. Importing both a PAL region Wii and game is prohibitively expensive to the average consumer and would not make a strong enough point to Nintendo of America. Also, because hardware and software modifications involve the use of products that have not been licensed or tested by Nintendo, we cannot know the complete impact these modifications will have on the system. If you should ever have a problem with a modified Wii console—no matter what the warranty status might be—Nintendo will be unable to repair it. Your only option will be to replace the unit. Finally, we wish to reiterate that Operation Rainfall does NOT support piracy or boycotting of Nintendo products.
Operation Rainfall is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the localization of Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower for Nintendo Wii in the US, Canada, and Latin America. To date, we have reached thousands of followers on Facebook and Twitter and pushed Xenoblade (under its working title – Monado: Beginning of the World) to #1 on Amazon in a 48 hour period. We have raised over $400.00 in charitable donations for the Child’s Play Foundation.
If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, please contact Operation Rainfall by email at
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for full details on the August 19th campaign, including a template letter, click here
for full details on the August 19th campaign, including a template letter, click here
credit: written by Joseph Yamine with edits by Marko Max and Tyson Gifford (themightyme)
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get a 3DS, but my next purchases will be Xenoblade and Final Fantasy!
Nintendo really needs to start listening.
ReplyDeleteI don't really see this working. Nintendo isn't brushing off fans or anything. There's alot more to localizing a game than one might think. There needs to be demand for the game outside the day one buyers in Operation Rainfall, otherwise it won't do well in the long run. Not many JRPGs are as popular outside Japan. If Xenoblade does good in Europe, it may come down to the US.
ReplyDeletePaying Nintendo and Square Enix a combined five dollars for an NES ROM of a game that's already been released like a dozen times and I already own multiple copies of?
ReplyDeleteLOL NO
I'll consider donating to Child's Play in your name though.
I got a feeling that Nintendo of America will not release Xenoblade even if it sells successfuly. They will says it did not meet their expectation as an excuse not to localize the game. I thought Nintendo has alot of money but I Reggie might be using it on himself like Pat Lee did with Dreamwave Productions without the bankruptcy. Or maybe Reggie is secretly supporting Sony by not localizing these games and going cheap.
ReplyDeleteI understand that you have to go down with your ship, but Xenoblade is already in English- just import it from Zavvi (free international shipping) for about £29.85. Not Pricy at all.
ReplyDeleteALRIGHT! Fuck dat shit. Imma import or whatever else I gotta do. Fact is, it's finally in English. I don't want to support Square Enix. This Operation Rainfall thing is starting to get more ridiculous each passing week. Europe has been on the shorthand of the stick way more times and they never had North America to rely on to get a game brought over there. I'm going to face facts and still give the middle finger to the man. Fact is, RPGs are *NOT* as big as you think here unless it's called Final Fantasy. The same crap you insist on us buying to prove a so-called point.
ReplyDeleteWe got the sequel-sidestory game for Tales of Symphonia and that sold like crap. Sin and Punishment 2 sold like crap here too. People lie and download when they say they're going to buy. It's so EASY to SAY you're going to buy it but talk is so cheap. And if 7000+ supporters is the only number you're going by, that's not good enough. Screw this Operation Rainfail crap. By the time you make it happen, I'll have finished Xenoblade. In English. Truth.
I don't even care for The Last Story or Pandora's Tower so I'm good.
So yeah, fuck that shit. I'm going to import. I know who to support. And it's not Operation Rainfall. It's Nintendo of Europe, baby. Thanks for making possible what Operation Rainfall and Reggie couldn't. Cheers mate! I'll let you know how it is this weekend. Xenoblade that is. In English. ;D Good luck with the begging.
Xenoblade is getting all 9s and higher on metacritic.
NoA just makes me sick.
Oh Reginald... look at what your buffoonery has made people do:
Mission accomplished NoA! Give yourself a round of applause!
@KusMog X: I don't get it. What is in the pic that I am supposed to notice?
ReplyDeletethis is the europe version working on a ntsc console with soft mode simple!!
ReplyDeleteNo More Heroes Heroes Paradise is a port of the Wii original to the PS3 and xBox 360. Yet for some reason the 360 version is only available in Japan. People, like me, who want to play this game in xbox, can't unless they are in Japan. Can we add an English xbox360 release to the list of games we are campaigning to get released?
ReplyDeleteThis operation failed so bad it isn't even funny.
Go ahead and call me a troll, but first a question: Is trolling considered trolling if it's 100% correct?
ReplyDeletei am new user to this blog . i really like this topic . love you all
mohsin qureshi-23227
@Mike you cant call an Operation failed if it isnt over
ReplyDelete@Dave_dude: It failed because the game is now already in English and the people who were committed to playing it either imported it already or pirated. Whoever's leftover will hardly be a number Nintendo cares about for a title on an aging system like the Wii. They need to focus on the floundering 3DS.
ReplyDeleteIt's on to the next one baby. Tales of Xillia, anyone? Xenoblade is old news. I beat it already. No way am I going to spend money on it again for the US.
And for the people that bought Final Fantasy 1 during Phase 2, Square Exix's senior consumer sales representative, Tony Masters, called. He said, "Thanks for the sales! Now get outta my face!"
I got emotions this Nintendo's creative designers regarding America is not going to generate Xenoblade although this markets successfuly. They're going to states that it didn't match their anticipations as a possible justification not to ever localize the adventure. I think Developers features many cash except My spouse and i Reggie could possibly be using it on himself for instance Apply Shelter have having Dreamwave Musicals or plays devoid of the bankruptcy. Or maybe Reggie is actually covertly assisting Panasonic by means of not necessarily localizing most of these video games all night cheap.
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