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4738 days 4 hours 29 mins 45 secs
Until Xenoblade Chronicles


Saturday, December 31, 2011

EB Games Canada Online Statistics Update

Xenoblade moves to #1 for preorders!

Xenoblade Chronicles is currently
#1 for best selling in Wii category
#1 on Most Anticipated (Up 1)
#18 for best selling on the whole site

Monday, December 26, 2011

Check Out Our Facebook Community!
For those that may be new to Operation Rainfall, our Facebook page is the place to go for all the latest news on Operation Rainfall as our campaign is centered around our Facebook page. This blog here is reserved for our most important announcements only. We have a huge community of nearly 11,000 followers on Facebook! There is always something going on.

New on our Facebook page is the "Xenoblade Daily Tidbits" where everyday you can learn something new about Xenoblade Chronicles, counting down until the game's release on April 2nd, 2012!
"What a buncha jokahs!" Photoshop Contest- Begins Now!- UPDATED 12/27

One of the most popular lines of dialogue in Xenoblade Chronicles is Reyn's "what a bunch of jokahs" line delivered after battle when the party easily eliminates a weaker enemy.

We want to increase awareness for Xenoblade chronicles and we figured the best way to do that would be to have a contest with the prize being a copy of Xenoblade.

What we want from those who wish to participate are fun ways you can use battle quotes that are used in Xenoblade such as the popular line from Reyn, "what a buncha jokahs", in an image. Images submitted must contain a character from Xenoblade Chronicles, and the battle quote such as "What a buncha Jokahs!" You can take this anywhere you want as long as the images are not offensive but please read the contest rules before participating.

Entries are to be submitted on our Facebook page, just create a new post for everybody to see.You can also email your entry to The staff will pick the top 10 best entries, and then there will be a poll on our Facebook page for everybody to vote on their favorite. The entry with the most votes wins a copy of Xenoblade Chronicles.

Contest Schedule
Submissions---------------Monday Dec 26- Friday Jan 13
Staff Picks Top 10--------Saturday Jan 14- Sunday Jan 15
Poll Voting-----------------Monday Jan 16- Thursday Jan 19
Winner Announced-------Friday Jan 20 Prizes

First Place-----------------NTSC copy of Xenoblade
Second Place------------- Choice of White OpRainfall Characters T-Shirt (No Ringer) OR Oprainfall Poster OR OpRainfall Coffee Mug
Third Place---------------- Choice of OpRainfall Bumper Sticker OR OpRainfall Keychain OR Oprainfall Shotglass

Please submit your entries between now and January 13. Late entries will not be accepted. 
Sorry, this is for the NTSC region only.

Contest rules and suggestions can be found here

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Phase IV Mission 2. Operation REYNfall

(Now through January 31st)

Get it? REYNfall! Operation Reynfall is now in effect. We told Nintendo we wanted Xenoblade Chonicles and if they released it we would buy it. Well time to pay up. Xenoblade Chronicles will be released on 04/02/2012. It may seem like a long ways away, but it will be here before you know it.

Our number one priority at Operation Rainfall right now is going to be promoting Xenoblade Chronicles and here is why. Not only is it the right thing to do since we all said we would buy the game if it came here, but also because we fully believe that getting The Last Story as well as Pandora's Tower will be dependent on Xenoblade Chonicle sales here in the Americas.

So what can you do to help?

Pre-order the Game!
Well most importantly, pre-order the game! You can pre-order the game right now on GameStop retail stores and on their website as well as from ShopNintendo on December 19.

Gift Xenoblade Chronicles
Here's an idea. Christmas is right around the corner. Why not pay for the game in full and gift it as a Christmas present to that special gamer in your life or to a fellow gamer friend? You can pay the game in full from retail Gamestop locations.

Spread the Word about Xenoblade Chronicles
Tell people about Xenoblade Chronicles
Tell people about how awesome the game is. There is plenty of information about Xenoblade out there and it really is an incredible game. Share the information with people you know; steer them in the right direction.

Here are some great resources:
Official Xenoblade Chronicles Website with Trailer:
10 Reasons You Should Want to Play Xenoblade:
Operation Rainfall's Xenoblade Information Thread:

Let's Get Xenoblade Chronicles up to the Number 5 Spot on Gamestop!
Right now Xenoblade Chronicles sits pretty nicely at the #9 spot for the whole online website, but we would like to see it hit the top 3. We can do this if we work together.

If you live in Canada
If you live in Canada and would like to help us find out if GameStop/EB Games will carry Xenoblade Chronicles, please send @gamestopcanada a tweet via their twitter page: or email/call them using the information found here:

If you live in Mexico, Latin America, or South America
If you live in Latin or South America and would like to help find out more information about how to get Xenoblade Chronicles in your country, please send an email IN SPANISH to or AND if you use Twitter, send a tweet to @RevistaCN by visiting
Club Nintendo MX posted this on Twitter:!/RevistaCN/status/142677410830233600
Try sending them a tweet in Spanish asking how you can pre-order the game.
We hope to have more information very soon!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Phase IV Mission 1- Thank You Nintendo!

This mission is in effect immediately and is ongoing.

Due to the recent and surprising announcement of the release of Xenoblade Chronicles in the NoA region, Mission 1 of Phase IV begins immediately. Details for the rest of phase IV will be released at a later time.

This Mission is self-explanatory. Tell Nintendo thank you and show them that they made the right decision in bringing Xenoblade Chronicles to the NoA region! We asked for it, and we got it; the least we can do is say thank you. We also need to show support for Xenoblade. The more attention we give to Xenoblade related content, the more interest we are going to generate. Xenoblade sales could ultimately determine if The Last Story and Pandora's Tower are released here.

Ways you can thank Nintendo and show support:

Email- Write an email to Nintendo thanking them for releasing Xenoblade Chronicles. or

Thank You Letter- Write a hand written letter thanking Nintendo for releasing Xenoblade Chronicles
Send letters to:
Nintendo of America
4600 150th AVE NE.
Redmond, WA 98052 USA

Facebook- Like, share, and comment on their Xenoblade related Facebook posts.

Twiitter- Send a thank you! to @NintendoAmerica. ReTweet their Xenoblade related Tweets.

Youtube- View subcribe, and like Nintendo's Xenoblade related Youtube videos. and

Include a "thank you" for Xenoblade Chronicles in any pre- and post-play surveys you fill out for Club Nintendo.

If you can think of other ways to say "thank you" to Nintendo, let us know!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Xenoblade Chronicles Officially Announced for America

First off, an apology: We were having issues with our blog on the biggest day of our campaign and were unable to make this important update. But I'm sure you've read the news... which leads me to the main post...

Nintendo of America has officially announced Xenoblade Chronicles for NTSC-U regions. The title is scheduled to be released April 2, 2012 and is available exclusively through U.S. GameStop retail locations,, and

You may pre-order copies of the game immediately either online at (Ships Worldwide) or in-store at your nearest GameStop/EB Games retail location. Beginning December 19, 2011, you may also pre-order the game direct though Nintendo at (Ships to US & Canada).

Xenoblade Chronicles will retail for a MSRP of $49.99 (US) and Nintendo of America has currently not announced any plans for Special Editions or Bundles. The PAL version of the game was offered in a Special Edition bundle that included a red Classic Controller Pro and two posters digitally signed by Tetsuya Takahashi, the creator of Xenoblade Chronicles.

Nintendo of America has confirmed that the NTSC-U version of the game will be based on the PAL localization, but we are still unsure whether there will be any changes made to the games text, dialogue, or graphical assets.

SOURCE: Nintendo of America Press Room; December 2, 2011

In the official US Trailer, Nintendo of America showed off a new logo for Xenoblade Chronicles, seen below:

PAL Version Logo:

We should also clarify that Operation Rainfall will continue to campaign for the release of The Last Story and Pandora's Tower while putting a heavy focus on ensuring that Xenoblade Chronicles exceeds sales expectations.

We would like to thank
Takahashi-san and Monolith Soft for creating this beautiful adventure, and all the support from our fans and followers for sticking by our crazy campaign ideas to reach out to Nintendo.

We also want to give a very special thanks to Nintendo for not only acknowledging the fans, but listening and bringing this amazing title to the American region.

One down, two to go! Have a great weekend everybody!