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4735 days 12 hours 54 mins 22 secs
Until Xenoblade Chronicles


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Website is live! WE HAVE MOVED

It's been a whirlwind nine months, and with two out of three campaign games announced for release in America, many people have wondered what Operation Rainfall has accomplished, and if there will be future relevancy for a campaign like this.

First off, the staff of Operation Rainfall make no claims to be the absolute, direct reason why Nintendo of America chose to release Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story in America. However, if we accomplished anything, it was that we spent nine months promoting sales of games that would be readily available in Europe. If Nintendo was watching sales numbers alone, at least we can claim to have informed several Europeans about the games. If nothing else, even sales in Japan for the titles saw a resurgence upon this hyped-up group of fans in America.

Now, you are probably wondering what we plan to do next. Rest assured, we have every intention to make sure Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story see sales numbers deserving of their pedigree. As for Pandora's Tower, we will be celebrating an entire month dedicated to the game beginning on April 13th.

Our new website is located at both and - Have a look around, hm? Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse! Ho ho!

To ease any fears, the campaign is still in the same capable hands that have been running things from the beginning. A few staff member have come and have been replaced by new dedicated individuals, but the leadership remains the same. We will continue to provide coverage of the campaign games exclusively on our Facebook page and social media sites, with any news and articles about non-campaign games being kept strictly on the website for the time being.

And, in case you are wondering, yes, we will be covering other games on the website. We will even be providing coverage for niche games on non-Nintendo platforms. We expect this to be minimal at first, because we will still have a heavy focus on the campaign, but we want to make sure other niche games get sufficient hype in advance of their release in Japan. Prevention is the best medicine, as they say.

We hope you enjoy the look and layout of the new website, and if you have any questions or concerns, please use the "Contact" page on the new site. We will be giving putting this old blog to rest in the next few weeks and having it auto-redirect to the new page. All posts and comments here have been archived and moved to the new site and can be found here:

The past nine months have seen their fair share of ups and downs, and for everyone who has been with us this far, thanks. For anyone newly joining us, welcome! This thriving community of niche game fans has worked hard to provide coverage for deserving games, and we plan to keep doing so for a long time to come.

We want to personally thank you for reading this and being a valuable part of our community, and we hope you'll stay with us for the ride.

Thanks again,
Steven Boaz (aka Marko Mac) and the rest of the Operation Rainfall staff.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


NOTICE: We will be making some major changes to our blog format this week, while we do this, the domain names and may periodically display errors. This is a normal part of the process as we switch nameservers and get everything up and running.

If you wish to go to our current (soon-to-be-replaced) blog, you may continue to do so by visiting

Thanks for bearing with us as we work hard to bring you the latest news!

Monday, March 12, 2012


VGChartz Weekly US Xenoblade Pre-order Numbers- Xenoblade Jumps to 18k!

This Week
Rank #-------Weeks Left--------- Pre-orders Up-----------Pre-orders Total
07 -----------04 -------------------18,095 --------------------148,161

Last Week
Rank #-------Weeks Left---------Pre-orders Up------------Pre-orders Total
09 -----------05 -------------------13,462 --------------------130,066


Note: VGChartz may use speculative information to come up with their numbers and should not be taken as fact.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

‎* THE WEEKLY RAIN - March 4-10, 2012 *

Just a quick heads up to everyone, we will be upgrading our blog over the course of the week, so please bear with us as we get ready for some major updates. The website may experience a few down periods during the transition, but rest assured that you can also catch the latest updates here on Facebook, Twitter, Goog+, and tumblr.

A lot of the staff here have been taking some personal time from investing so much promoting The Last Story in February, but we have every intention to come back full-swing to promote Xenoblade Chronicles with a TEN-DAY "Countdown to Xenoblade!" starting on March 27th.

Xenoblade Chronicles launches in North America on April 6, 2012,

Pandora's Tower launches in Europe on April 13, 2012, and we will be sure to provide ample coverage for folks in Europe, cross-promoting alongside NTSC Xenoblade.

Starting with the European launch of Pandora's Tower, we will be dedicating an entire month to the game, similar to what we did for The Last Story in February.

Also, be on the lookout for The Last Story updates this month from XSEED Games, who are currently hard at work getting the game ready for folks in America. XSEED is known for their high quality work and they have impeccable taste when it comes to making fans happy, so we can't wait to see what they have in store!

So basically, get ready for another busy month leading up to the day when you will all get to hold your own copy of Xenoblade Chronicles in your hands. Savor that moment. Then enjoy the hell out of the next 200 hours of gaming bliss.

We'll have more details on the "Countdown to Xenoblade!" and "Pandora's Tower Month" over the next few weeks, so stay tuned!


╰☆ Xenoblade Chronicles Tidbit of the Day #21 ☆╮

Xenoblade’s Beyond the Sky was sung by Sarah Alainn, also known as Sarah Lim. She helped to write the lyrics to Shackles of Night, the theme song for the Otakon convention in 2010. Alainn also performed some songs for Makai Senki Disgaea 4 and Chaos Ring Omega.

Pre-Orders for Pandora's Tower

Some news that is sure to please all of our followers and give hope on a Pandora's Tower North American release. Pandora's Tower is currently the 5th best selling pre-order on and number 1 for Wii Pre-Orders in general! Hopefully this is an indicator of things to come! You rock Europe!