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4738 days 2 hours 31 mins 39 secs
Until Xenoblade Chronicles


Sunday, March 11, 2012

‎* THE WEEKLY RAIN - March 4-10, 2012 *

Just a quick heads up to everyone, we will be upgrading our blog over the course of the week, so please bear with us as we get ready for some major updates. The website may experience a few down periods during the transition, but rest assured that you can also catch the latest updates here on Facebook, Twitter, Goog+, and tumblr.

A lot of the staff here have been taking some personal time from investing so much promoting The Last Story in February, but we have every intention to come back full-swing to promote Xenoblade Chronicles with a TEN-DAY "Countdown to Xenoblade!" starting on March 27th.

Xenoblade Chronicles launches in North America on April 6, 2012,

Pandora's Tower launches in Europe on April 13, 2012, and we will be sure to provide ample coverage for folks in Europe, cross-promoting alongside NTSC Xenoblade.

Starting with the European launch of Pandora's Tower, we will be dedicating an entire month to the game, similar to what we did for The Last Story in February.

Also, be on the lookout for The Last Story updates this month from XSEED Games, who are currently hard at work getting the game ready for folks in America. XSEED is known for their high quality work and they have impeccable taste when it comes to making fans happy, so we can't wait to see what they have in store!

So basically, get ready for another busy month leading up to the day when you will all get to hold your own copy of Xenoblade Chronicles in your hands. Savor that moment. Then enjoy the hell out of the next 200 hours of gaming bliss.

We'll have more details on the "Countdown to Xenoblade!" and "Pandora's Tower Month" over the next few weeks, so stay tuned!


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