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4738 days 3 hours 10 mins 52 secs
Until Xenoblade Chronicles


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Phase Three Finale - Nov. 21-27

Beginning Monday, November 21 and lasting until November 27, Operation Rainfall will be running the exciting conclusion to Phase Three.

To make things run as smooth as possible, the staff and admins of Operation Rainfall have assembled materials to help spread the word. We want to make this campaign HUGE, so spread these materials everywhere possible.


1. Phase Three Finale Poster

2. Phase Three Finale Official Press Release Statement (Text & PDF)

3. Mission 3 Translated Letter to Japan (Text & PDF)

4. Mission 4 Poster (If you like The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword...)


Click here for full instructions to send an email to NCL Japan

Nintendo Co., Ltd.
KYOTO 601-8501

First-Class Postage from the United States to Japan using United States Postal Service:
$0.98 (1 oz.)
$1.82 (2 oz.)
$2.66 (3 oz.)(Source: USPS)
Country Conditions for Mailing Japan

A standard envelope with 1-2 sheets of plain paper should weigh approximately 1 oz. If you are including fanart or objects with your letters to Japan, please be aware of the potential extra shipping costs.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mission 3-4: Skyward!

We had to postpone Mission 3-3 until November 21st but Mission 3-4 is still on track for Sunday, November 20th, the launch date for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

This involves going to blogs, forums, review sites, Twitter, and other webpages relating to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and spreading the message: "If you like Skyward Sword, you'll also like Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower".

Mission 3-4 will last approximately TWO (2) Weeks, to allow hype for Skyward Sword to reach its maximum.

Download the image below and prepare to spread it next week.
Click here to download the image below.

The full-sized image will open in a new window or tab. Right-click the image and select "Save As..." or "Save Image" to save the image to your hard drive. When Skyward Sword launches on November 20th, spread this poster on everything related to Skyward Sword you can find!

If you're the creative type, feel free to make your own posters as well.
Let's have fun with this and get ready for a massive surge in activity in the next few days!


First off, I just want to reiterate the purpose of our campaign:
We are a positive campaign that is attempting to communicate with Nintendo for the release of three critically-acclaimed RPGs: Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower. Part of our campaign being positive means we do not  promote or condone:
  • piracy
  • console modification
  • boycott of Nintendo products
  • smear campaigns against Nintendo and its executives
Instead, the approach Operation Rainfall has taken is a positive campaign that involves:
  • Written and verbal petitions and pleas to Nintendo and its subsidiaries
  • Submission of works of fanart, music, poetry, etc.
  • Retail purchases of Nintendo products
  • Encouraging a positive view of Nintendo as a company, even though we may disagree with some of the business decisions they have made recently
  • Encouraging Nintendo executives to see that there exists a market for RPGs, "niche" titles, and "core" games on Wii console by purchasing these titles and recommending them to others.
In any community made up of thousands of individuals, opinions are bound to differ and there will be people on opposite extremes in favor of and against the overall goals of the community. The above statements, however reflect the stance that the administration of Operation Rainfall have taken. We cannot force our viewpoints on individuals in our community but attempt to uphold those standards as much as possible without taking away our members' freedom of speech. If, however, we see individuals posting negative remarks or messages that go against our overall mission, we will warn such individuals. Repeat offenses will result in permanent ban from the Operation Rainfall Facebook page.

I hope I was able to clear a few things up!

Podcasts and future Weekly Rain updates

Our The Weekly Rain updates and The Downpour podcast have gotten off track lately due to our staff all having busy schedules with work, school, and other outside activities. I just wanted everyone to know that starting this month we're hoping to have things back on track for everyone. Our "Weekly Rain" updates have been kinda backwards, that will also be fixed beginning with the 11/13-11/19 update, which will be posted on Saturday, November 19th. We'll be offering both a full-length blog post as well as a simplified summary poster that can be easily spread around the internet.

Here what to expect from now on:
  • (1) monthly podcast (The Downpour) (Expect to hear details on this later)
  • (1) weekly update (The Weekly Rain) posted each Saturday (covering events that took place between the previous Sunday through the current Saturday as well as news and reminders for the upcoming week) in both a full-text blog AND graphic summary.
  • (1) Monthly Wii Game Online Tournament (This month will be Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom on November 27)
  • (1) Monthly Monster Hunter Tri Party (Held the first Friday of each month, the next one will be December 2)

Now that things are back on track, here's the recap for this past week:

1) Mission 3-3 has been postponed until Monday, Nov. 21st
2) Translation is on track and proceeding smoothly, thanks to our volunteers (We will name our full list of volunteers in our next blog post)
3) Mission 3-4 (The final mission of Phase 3) is on track for Sun. Nov. 20th

1 & 2) MISSION 3-3 (CODENAME: COLORING BOOK) - The purpose of 3-3 is to get in touch with Nintendo Co., Ltd., located in Japan with a thought provoking letter sent in by the masses of Operation Rainfall followers, combined with works of fanart, emails, and a full print out of our petition and the many review scores praising Xenoblade Chronicles from the UK and US Importers.

3) MISSION 3-4 (Skyward!) - Mission 3-4 is a campaign to raise awareness of the titles globally by encouraging those in Europe and Japan who may not have heard of Xenoblade, The Last Story, or Pandora's Tower to give the games a shot. This campaign will be similar to Nintendo's own "If you liked ____, you may like ____" campaigns, in this case, using The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and the three OpRa RPGs. We'll be spreading the message to everything we can that is attached to Skyward Sword. This is set to begin on Sun. Nov. 20th, but can actually be given a slight headstart this weekend with the Skyward Sword "Intend to Buy" surveys.

We ask that, if possible, you refrain from leaving comments specifically requesting Xenoblade, The Last Story, and/or Pandora's Tower on Nintendo's Facebook page until further notice.

Hopefully that clears things up for everyone. Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Weekly Rain - October 30-November 5, 2011

Time to Reload, Stay tuned for further updates.
This week has taken away the ability to pre-order Xenoblade under its working title Monado: Beginning of the World.

This was our primary source of ammunition in our campaign, and was one of our driving forces to gaining momentum. Monado sat for nearly a week at #1 (All Games) and for nearly two weeks (Wii Games), and went on to hit #1 again multiple times during the course of our campaign. The fact that the page still exists on Amazon is reassurance that they have simply frozen the ability to pre-order until they receive confirmation from Nintendo.

Either way, this makes it more important than ever before to get the message across to Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) and Nintendo of America through written letters, phone calls, and emails. Please stay tuned for more information when we will target a call-in/email/physical mail date.

SSBB Tourney Winners!
First off, we'd like to say that our first ever Wii game tournament ran much smoother than we anticipated, and the few bumps along the way are just a part of the learning process. We will be interviewing our winners on our blog next week!

The winners of our Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament are: 

Name: Eric Llarenas
Username: Cerix
Character: Toon Link

Name: Jordan Fostinye
Username: xLeex
Character: Pit



Monthly Monster Hunter Tri Parties!
Operation Rainfall will be holding monthly hunting parties in Monster Hunter Tri. Because of the server region blocking, we will only be able to play with people from our own region.

The first hunt begins on Friday, November 4 (This Friday!). If you'd like to join us, be sure to sign up on our Event page:

Click here to sign up for our November 4 MH3 Party!


Mission 3-3: Codename: Coloring Book
Please have all of your artwork/poetry/essays/videos/music/etc linked to us in some form by 11:59 PM PST Monday, November 14, 2011.

Click here for full details


Operation Rainfall en Español
Because NTSC-U region includes both North and South America, many of our followers speak Spanish as their primary language. We want to welcome our new Spanish Team, who will be providing official translations for Spanish speakers, and eventually, we are hoping that our Spanish Team will be able to get in touch with the Latin American representatives at Nintendo of America.

Operation Rainfall en Español (Official Facebook Page)


Open Letter to Nintendo of America
The staff of Operation Rainfall will be writing a personal letter to the management and marketing teams at Nintendo of America. This will be separate from any of our phases/missions. Is there anything you would like us to address in our letter? Please let us know in the comments below.

Have a great week!

     Operation Rainfall Staff